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- Contents: * Usenet Newsgroup: comp.text.sgml
- * SGML Project, University of Exeter
- * TEI-L Discussion Forum
- * SGML-L Mailing List
- * MARKUP-L Discussion Forum
- [112] Usenet Newsgroup: comp.text.sgml
- The Usenet Newsgroup comp.text.sgml is a dedicated forum for
- discussion of SGML and associated standards (ODA, SDIF, DSSSL, SPDL,
- etc.). It began in Fall 1990 thanks to the vision and energy of
- Edward Vielmetti (University of Michigan Math Department, Ann Arbor,
- MI; Internet: emv@math.lsa.umich.edu). As of late 1991,
- comp.text.sgml hosted the most concentrated and high-quality
- electronic discussion of SGML on any academic network. The discussion
- group has support from a number of experts within the SGML community
- (e.g., contributions from SoftQuad; Software Exoterica; Electronic
- Book Technologies; Open Text Systems; InfoDesign; Naggum Software;
- ArborText; Avalanche Corporation). An introductory FAQ file on SGML
- ("Frequently Asked Questions") written for comp.text.sgml is noted
- under section 1 above; cf. entry [29]. The discussion forum is
- accessible from any VAX, UNIX or other site which receives Usenet
- News, viz, from among any of the 40,000 Usenet sites worldwide.
- Software for reading News on a local system varies greatly; see your
- local computer gurus.
- Various sites archive the posting from comp.text.sgml in spool and
- public archive areas, and sometimes with indexes. The ARCHIE servers
- may be used to locate such sites. As of late 1991, some hosts were
- listed as follows:
- Host mcsun.eu.net (
- Location: /newsarchive/comp/text/sgml
- DIRECTORY rwxrwxr-x 2048 Dec 4 23:53 sgml
- Host aix370.rrz.uni-koeln.de (
- Location: /usenet/comp.archives/text/sgml
- Location: /usenet/comp.archives/auto/comp.text.sgml
- Host utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp (
- Location: /misc
- DIRECTORY rwxrwxr-x 512 Oct 31 11:51 sgml
- Host src.doc.ic.ac.uk (
- Location: /usenet/comp.archives/text/sgml
- Location: /usenet/comp.archives/auto/comp.text.sgml
- Location: /.zapme/comp.archives/auto/comp.text.sgml
- Host rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de (
- Location: /soft/kommunikation/news/spool/comp/text/sgml
- Host cs.dal.ca (
- Location: /pub/comp.archives/comp.text.sgml
- Host ftp.syd.dit.csiro.au (
- Location: anonymous:[.comp_text_sgml]
- [113] SGML Project, University of Exeter
- In November, 1990, a two-year project was awarded by the UK
- Information Systems Committee (formerly the Computer Board for
- Universities and Research Councils) to the University of Exeter to
- evaluate SGML products for use in UK Universities and Research Council
- establishments. The project staff are now located within the
- University's Computer Unit and the project is directed by Paul
- Ellison, a member of the relevant ISO working committee and a long-
- time proponent of SGML. The aims of the project are: (1) to
- investigate commercial products and review them for possible use in
- the UK Academia; (2) to investigate the current use of SGML within and
- without Academia; (3) to assess possible requirements for SGML systems
- in UK Academia; (4) to investigate the required utilities (e.g.,
- editors, translators, formatters) and make recommendations concerning
- possible acquisition; (5) to define, in consultation with academic
- users, a vocabulary of element and entity names and develop general
- Document Type Definitions; (6) to maintain a library of DTDs; (7) to
- function as a center for information on the use of SGML; (8) to
- cooperate with AGOCG (the Advisory Board on Computer Graphics) in
- increasing the awareness of SGML in Academia. The project was first
- proposed within the context of an AGOCG sponsored workshop on the use
- of SGML in UK universities, organized by Anne Mumford of Loughborough
- University. SGML was one of the standards chosen by the AGOCG for
- structuring and distribution of university-related information
- containing graphics (research documents, teaching aids, view graphs).
- A set of recommendations issued to the AGOCG and the UK academic
- community called for such an initiative as Paul Ellison now directs
- (information supplied by Anne Mumford and Paul Ellison). The SGML
- Project's host machine will be fully addressable for anonymous-FTP
- from 01/01/92. The machine's address will be:
- sgml1.ex.ac.uk ( INTERNET
- uk.ac.exeter.sgml1 JANET
- (N.B. the machine name sgml1 = "sgml_one")
- A library of DTDs, tools etc. is to be created, and details of this
- service will be widely publicized. Any donations (of DTDs etc.), or
- suggestions as to what this library should contain, would be most
- welcome.
- The SGML Users' Group Parser Materials (the ARCSGML v1.0 parser
- toolkit, VM2 etc), are currently held on the SGML Project's host
- machine. Until 01/01/92 these are only available over JANET, via an
- e-mail request (contact the Project for more details on both), or via
- anonymous-FTP from other sites; see entry [118] below for a list of
- anon-FTP sites hosting the ARC-SGML tools.
- For academic and research sites within the UK, the SGML Project has
- been given funding to make visits to give lectures, to run workshops,
- or give advice on SGML implementation and use. This service is
- entirely free to such sites.
- The SGML Project has published notices in all the university and
- research institution site newsletters in the UK. Currently it has a
- mailing-list of 200+ contact names, and each will automatically
- receive any updates, reports and notices produced by the Project.
- Additional contact names are always welcome (any country).
- To contact the SGML Project: Michael Popham; SGML Project; Computer
- Unit - Laver Building; North Park Road; University of Exeter; Exeter
- EX4 4QE; UNITED KINGDOM; TEL: +44 392 263946; TEL: +44 392 263939;
- FAX: +44 392 211630; Email: (JANET): sgml@exeter.ac.uk (Office);
- (JANET): M.G.Popham@exeter.ac.uk (Project Officer); Paul Ellison on
- (JANET): P.A.Ellison@exeter.ac.uk (Project Director).
- Further references: (1) "The SGML Project." SGML Users' Group
- Newsletter 18 (November 1990) 13; (2) Advisory Group on Computer
- Graphics. Document Exchange: The Use of SGML in the UK Academic and
- Research Community. Workshop Proceedings 5-7 March 1990. Edited by
- Anne Mumford. See [28]: the volume's front matter contains the
- recommendations proposed for the 'Exeter' SGML group.
- [114] TEI-L Discussion Forum (on BITNET)
- TEI-L is the electronic discussion forum for the international Text
- Encoding Initiative, implementing SGML for markup of texts in academic
- applications, particularly the humanities. The list owners are
- Michael Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard, TEI editors. TEI-L is the
- primary electronic forum for the TEI, normally open for subscription
- to all who request subscriber status; specialized forums hosted on the
- same computer (TEI-REP, TEI-ANA, TEI-META, TEI-DOC) are normally
- closed lists used by TEI subcomittees and working groups. While the
- TEI-L forum is not designated for discussing the theoretical and
- practical merits of SGML per se, the TEI encoding is an implementation
- of SGML, and thus some theoretical and practical discussions of SGML
- will be heard.
- Many SGML-related working papers and provisional DTDs are available in
- conjunction with the archived TEI-L discussions. Send email or postal
- mail to Wendy Plotkin requesting document TEI A0, "Current Documents,"
- which lists some 120 working papers, committee reports and minutes
- records -- many of which address TEI-SGML issues. Address: Wendy
- Plotkin, Email (Internet): u49127@uicvm.uic.edu, OR
- u49127@uicvm.cc.uic.edu OR u49127@UICVM.BITNET; Postal: Wendy Plotkin,
- TEI-Rm 168; UIC Computer Center; Computer Center (M/C 135); University
- of Illinois at Chicago; Box 6998; Chicago, IL 60680.
- If you wish to subscribe to the TEI-L electronic forum (there are no
- subscription fees), send an interactive BITNET message, or (from a
- BITNET site, or from one of the other public networks), send standard
- mail to the BITNET address listserv@uicvm with the single line as the
- first line (any subject line will be ignored):
- subscribe tei-l YOUR NAME
- If you wish to obtain archived files from this discussion, send
- interactive BITNET message or mail message to the BITNET address
- listserv@uicvm with one or more lines patterned after this example
- (for October, 1991 archive):
- get tei-l log9110
- [115] SGML-L Mailing List (on BITNET)
- SGML-L was only minimally active through most of calendar 1991, but
- showed some signs of vitality late in 1991. The List Owners are
- Joachim Lammarsch (X92@DHDURZ1.BITNET or X33@DHDURZ1) and Mr. Holger
- Wendt (WENDT@DHDSPRI6). Mr. Wendt serves as the SGML-LIST editor. To
- subscribe to the mailing list, send an interactive BITNET message or
- mail message (from any network) to the BITNET address listserv@dhdurz1
- with the command:
- subscribe SGML-L YOUR NAME
- substituting your personal name for "YOUR NAME."
- [116] MARKUP-L (GLDV-AK fuer TEI-Guideline-Anpassung)
- The objectives of the Goettingen-based GLDV-AK fuer TEI-Guideline-
- Anpassung and associated MARKUP-L discussion list are given in a
- poster submitted by Guenter Koch, 8-October-1991, "Mitgliederbrief und
- Protokoll der konstituierenden Sitzung des GLDV-Arbeitskreises:
- 'Kodierung und Normung maschinenlesbarer Texte,' Universitaet Trier am
- 27.9.1991, 14.-15.30 Uhr." These objectives relate primarily to the
- evaluation and use of TEI (and SGML) encoding standards within the
- German research comunity, but the discussions and resources will be of
- broader interest, covering such areas as TEI applied to machine-
- readable lexica, hypermedia, and non-Roman languages (e.g., Sanskrit).
- The role of the discussion group in particular is described as
- follows:
- "Um eine schnelle und kostenguenstige Kommunikation zwischen den
- Teilnehmern des Arbeitskreises zu ermoeglichen, haben wir auf dem
- Listserver LISTSERV@DGOGWDG1.BITNET eine Liste mit dem Namen MARKUP-L
- eingerichtet. Sie soll dazu dienen, Fragen bei der Arbeit mit SGML und
- den TEI-Richtlinien zu diskutieren, Erfahrungen mit Programmen
- auszutauschen und Einschaetzungen einschlaegiger Buecher
- weiterzugeben. Auch arbeitskreisinterne, organisatorische Nachrichten,
- z.B. wo und wann ein naechstes Arbeitskreistreffen stattfindet, sollen
- ueber die Liste verbreitet werden. Des weiteren enthaelt die Liste
- eine Reihe Dateien, die von den TEI-L und anderen fachlich
- benachbarten Kommunikationslisten stammen und nuetzliches
- Arbeitsmaterial bieten, so die TEI DTDs, Bibliographien zu SGML, zum
- Thema Hypertext und SGML etc." The two list owners are Guenter Koch,
- GWD Goettingen (BITNET: GKOCH@DGOGWDG1) and Peter Scherber, GWD
- The LISTSERVer may be addressed via its BITNET address
- (LISTSERV@DGOGWDG1) or by the Internet address (listserv@ibm.gwdg.de)
- using standard LISTSERVer commands: sub markup-l [your name], index
- markup-l, review markup-l, get [filename filetype], etc. The
- LISTSERVer currently (December 1991) contains general information
- files on TEI, SGML (bibliography), DTDs from TEI phase 1 work, and
- discussion logs.
- [117] CALS-BBS
- The primary CALS(-SGML) documents are alluded to above; see [61].
- Several of these CALS-specific SGML documents and related information
- files are available via telephone dialup or Internet anonymous-FTP.
- Of special interest are MIL-M-28001 SGML and MIL-M-28001A SGML (Markup
- Requirements and Generic Style Specification for Electronic Printed
- Output and Exchange of Text), held in ASCII file format and containing
- relevant parsable DTDs. The file server also contains electronic
- information and/or full text for: (1) MIL-HDBK-59A; (2) MIL-STD-1840A
- "Automated Interchange of Technical Information"; (3) MIL-D-28000
- "Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES); (4) MIL-R-28002
- Group 4 Raster; (5) MIL-D-28003 Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM).
- Amendments for some of these items are also on the server.
- Direct access to the files (but without BBS interface) is via
- anonymous-FTP: FTP to durer.cme.nist.gov ( and 'cd' to
- pub/cals. The subdirectories are: 1840a; 28000; 28000a; 28001; 28002;
- 28003; 28003a; 59a; arc; autocom; brochure; bulletin; cals-net; cals-
- rpt; citis; ctn; expo91; ietm; isg; misc; scenario -- where content is
- readily discernible. Files are held in ASCII, WordPerfect and other
- binary formats as appropriate. In the subdirectory 28001, for
- example, one would find the following files: 28001a.exe; 38784-v2.exe;
- 38784pid.exe; app-a10-.exe; app-a50.exe; app-a70a.exe; app-a70b.exe;
- app-a70c.exe; app-a80.exe; app-b10-.exe; app-b50.exe; app-b70.exe;
- app-b80.exe; app-b90.exe; app-c10-.exe; app-d10-.exe; app-d50.exe;
- dtds.exe; m28001a.exe; os-pid.exe; pid-fos.exe; read.me; temp-fos.exe;
- temp-pid.exe. The files '[filename].exe' are self-extracting
- compressed files that may be unpacked on an MS-DOS machine simply by
- typing the [filename].
- Direct dialup for the BBS is supported for phone via (1 301) 948-8966
- (a four line rotary); or (via Internet) TELNET to and
- follow the login instructions. The BBS Main Menu contains seven
- areas: 1 - Meetings and Conferences; 2 - Special Announcements; 3 -
- CALS Information Sources; 4 - Standards News; 5 - Technology News; 6 -
- BBS Operation and Software; 7 - SME & SOLE Bulletins. CALS-MIL-STD
- documents are online, available for downloading: Directory 1. - CALS
- MIL-SPECS, MIL-STDS, & MIL-HDBKS; Directory 2. - DOD Publications
- About CALS Program; Directory 3. - Standards Activities Information;
- Directory 4. - Miscellaneous Information. Also included in the BBS
- support is a file on CALS-Related Software Packages, maintained by the
- Tech Transfer Committee of the DOD/ISG Small Business Task Group. For
- questions about the CALS-BBS, contact Dave Bettwy via email, the CALS
- BBS message system, or by telephone at (1 301) 975-6641.